The utility of our flagship Wheel of Fortune Solutions web site has led several visitors to request additional content. In recent months (June 2010), several visitors have asked us to supply the information necessary for earning additional Sony Points. Since that information is not really directly relevant to a web site titled “Wheel of Fortune Solutions”, it was necessary to create an entirely new web site.
SP Earner (Sony Points Earner) is the result. Here you’ll find links to every free method I know for earning Sony Points, plus the information necessary to earn those free Sony Points. If you know of another way to earn Sony Points online for free, please let us know.
As usual, our primary design goal is to allow as many people as possible to comfortably view our web site. To this end, we follow our (2010) standard practice of designing for a minimum 800-pixel-wide display, multi-browser testing, page layouts that are retained with high resolution displays, larger-than-normal serif text, and full AA-rated WCAG compliance. All of these design goals and more are discussed in greater detail on our web site.
Of secondary concern, but still of great importance, is visual appeal. To this end, we employ original coding techniques, some of which do not appear (to the best of our knowledge) on any other web sites. For example: on this page is the “inset” text found in the buttons and other highlighted background areas; the “tubular” frame design around the title; and the raised 3D title itself—all done without the use of graphic images! Using text for these features allows much faster web page loading and allows search engines to read the text content, something very important for web page ranking.